Preparation, Required tools and material, Prior to installation – Livarno CEILING LIGHT Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 18

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Safety / Preparation / Prior to installation

Introduction / Safety

In the event of damage, repairs or other prob-
lems with the light please contact the service
centre or a qualified electrician.

Prior to installation, remove the fuse or switch
off the circuit breaker (0 setting) in the fuse box.

Prior to installation, verify that the mains voltage
on site corresponds with the operating voltage
required for the light (230 V ∼).

Ensure that the light does not come into contact
with water or other liquids under any circum-

Never open any of the components of the
electrical equipment or insert any objects into
the same components. This will pose a risk of
fatal injury from electric shock.

Do not install the light on a wet or conductive

Prevent fire and
injury hazards

RISK OF INJURY! Check each lamp and
lamp glass for damage immediately after un-
packing. Do not mount the light with defective
lamps and / or glass shade. In this case contact
the service centre for a replacement.

RISK OF BURNS! Ensure that the light has
been switched off and has cooled before touch-
ing it, to avoid burn injuries. Lamps develop a
lot of heat in the area of the lamp head.

Allow the light to cool completely.

Replace defective bulbs with new ones immedi-
ately. Before changing bulbs, always first remove
the fuse or switch off the circuit breaker.

Do not leave the light or packaging material ly-
ing unattended. Plastic film or bags, Styrofoam
etc. can turn into dangerous toys for children.

Safe working

Only use 220–240 V∼ lamps with a E27 socket
and a maximum output of 40 Watt.

Mount the light so that it is protected from
moisture and dirt.

Carefully prepare the installation and allow

sufficient time. Organise all parts and any
necessary additional tools or materials before
starting so they are easy to reach.

Always be attentive when working! Always pay
attention to what you are doing and act with
common sense. Never install the light if you are
having difficulty concentrating or do not feel


Required tools and material

The tools and materials specified are not included.
This information and these values are non-binding
and are only provided as a reference. The nature
of the material is determined by the individual local

- Pencil / making tool
- Voltage tester
- Screwdriver
- Electric drill
- Drill bit
- Side cutting pliers
- Ladder

Prior to installation

Important: The electrical connection must be
established by a qualified electrician or a person
trained to perform electrical installations.
This person must be familiar with the properties of
the light and the connection regulations.

Familiarise yourself with all the instructions and
diagrams in this manual, as well as with the
light itself, before you install it.

Before installation ensure that the circuit, to which
the light will be connected, is not energised. To
do so, remove the fuse or switch off the circuit
breaker in the fuse box (0 position).

Use the voltage tester to verify the de-energised
