Metrohm 765 Dosimat Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 42

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4.2. Control commands

765 Dosimat


4.2.15 MDC

Mode DIS C with previous parameters, not live

Selection of mode DIS C without changing the actual parameters in the working memory.

No filling of the exchange unit.

4.2.16 MPU ON

Mode PULSE on, not live

Mode PULSE on.

Mode PULSE is not equivalent to modes DOS, DIS R, DIS C, PIP or DIL. Mode PULSE

runs before one of these modes. The parameters in the working memory remain

unchanged and no filling is executed.

In mode PULSE, 1/10 000 V(B) is dosed with every 'GO'. The maximal frequency of GO-
commands is ≤ 500 Hz. This is equal to the maximum rate of 1 V(B)/20 s.

Note: It is advantageous to run mode PULSE before mode DOS or DIS C, because in

these two modes V-LIM is active. Mode PULSE has to be left with "MPU OFF".

4.2.17 MPU OFF

Mode PULSE off, not live

Mode PULSE off. The background mode is reactivated in the working memory. No

parameters are changed and no filling is executed.

4.2.18 MST X

Mode store under address X, not live

X = 0... 9, J

Storing the actual mode with the corresponding parameters under address X. The content

of the working memory remains unchanged.

Store J is only accessible via remote control and serves e.g. to store the actual mode

after "REM ON".

4.2.19 MRC X

Mode recall with address X, not live

X = 0 ... 9, J

Recalling a mode with the corresponding parameters from the user memory.

Mode CNT D is not loaded into the working memory and bit 0 of information byte 2 is set

to 1.

4.2.20 PBL VALUE

Parameter 'blank', live

Value = -999.999 ... +999.999

Setting blank in ml.

In mode DOS only, in other modes, the command is not accepted and bit 0 of information

byte 2 is set.

4.2.21 PFA VALUE

Parameter 'factor', live

Value = -1E33 ... -1E-37 , 0 , 1E-37 ... 1E33

Setting factor.

In mode DOS only, in other modes, the command is not accepted and bit 0 of information

byte 2 is set to 1.
