6 alarm output, 7 synchronization input – Baumer BA OADM20x659x Benutzerhandbuch

Seite 41

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Frauenfeld, Switzerland

6 Alarm output

The alarm output indicates when an object is outside the measuring range or when the received signal
cannot be used for measuring distance. In this case, the output shows 0 V (4 mA).

The sensor has no internal hold function if measured values are missing. It provides real time measuring.
In some critical applications (poorly reflective objects), the sensor sometimes loses the signal and the output
signal drops down to 0 V (4 mA). For such applications, we recommend to use the alarm output. Before
reading the analog signal, observe the alarm output; if it is active, the analog signal must be invalid.

7 Synchronization input

Hold function of the analog output / switching off the laser diode
If 12-28 V is being applied to the sync input


then the sensor will hold the value of the current measurement

and will switch off the laser diode. It will wait until the sync input goes back to low (0 V) before it starts a new
After every measuring cycle, the sensor will test the sync input again. After the high signal on the synch.
Input, it takes one cycle T1 until the hold situation is reached.



OADM 20I6591

< 2 ms

OADM 20I6592

< 2.5 ms

OADM 20I6593

< 3.5 ms


Low/high edge of sync

synch signal


12-28 V
